
Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics is one of the first accredited economic faculties in Bulgaria. Excellently addressed towards practice and the needs of contemporary business, the specialties taught at the faculty are among the most desired ones for students.

The graduates from the Faculty of Economics find successful realization in the bank sphere, in accounting and insurance companies as well as other bank and financial institutions. The good economic preparation of undergraduates contributes to their successful realization in public administration, and more precisely in tax and customs institutions, the Court of Auditors, regional and municipal administration, etc. Students specialized in the sphere of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Marketing have the opportunity to work as business entrepreneurs, managers of companies and organizations, heads of departments and teams, business marketing speacialists and organizers, and business advertisement specialists. All undergradutes acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competences for a successful start and management of business and entrepreneurship, taking of innovative and creative decisions in business, forming of business plans and strategies, realization of marketing campaigns and market analysis, organization and realization of advertising campaigns.

The students in the sphere of tourism have the opportunity to find jobs as specialists in tour operator, tourist (agent and hotel) as well as restaurant companies. Aimed at their developing of the necessary practical knowledge and skills, they are given the chance to work in their own hotels and restaurants. 

The Faculty of Economics is active in international project activities in the European scientific educational programs Horizont 2020, Erasmus+ and INTERREG. With the help of the academic staff of the Faculty of Economics and under its direct management, numerous Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Vietnam have been established. The Faculty collaborates with a number of universities in Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, Austria and Slovakia and has signed not only Erasmus+ student mobility agreements, but  also implemented projects to create completely new job opportunities for professional education and training, building a capacity in higher education and establishing joint research work and publication activity. The lecturers at the Faculty of Economics have publications in prestigious international scientific conferences, as well as ones referred in the databases Scopus and Web of Science. They also work as consultants, experts and assessors in a number of public and international organizations.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was founded in 1989. It provides education and training of highly qualified specialists in 13 Bachelor's, 17 Master's and 17 Doctoral programs in the field of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics. During the period of their 4-year tuition in the Bachelor’s degree prgrammes, undergradutates can also acquire teacher qualification. The Bachelor’s programs serve as a basis for the continuation of their education in Master’s and PhD programs.

The high qualification of lecturers, the compliance of the curriculum with the international standards, as well as the perfect necessary equipment provide undergradutes from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences not only with general but also specialized preparation in full correspondence with their chosen specialty. Together with this, during their studies, undergraduates have the opportunity to join a series of research and educational projects that are financed by national and international programs such as Horizont 2020, Erasmus+ and INTERREG, where lecturers from the Faculty actively participate. The results of these projects are reported on prestigious international scientific conferences and are later published in scientific journals, referred in the databases Scopus and Web of Science. This is a serious prerequisite, after their graduation, students to find a successful realization in educational and science institutions, state and municipal administration, leading companies in Bulgaria and aborad in the field of chemistry, pharmacy, ecology and environmental preservation, information technology, etc.

Faculty of Law and History

In its 30-year history, the Faculty of Law and History has proven to be one of the most prestigious educational and scientific institutions in Bulgaria, occupying its well-deserved place not only among other law faculties in the country, but also in the European educational area. Over the years, the faculty has managed to strengthen its position and has turned into an attractive centre for numerous undergraduates and PhD students from the country and abroad. The contemporary content of the syllabi, in full harmony with the leading European faculties, the modern educational technologies and the vast necessary equipment continue to impress and attract the attention of the prospective university applicants. The faculty offers tuition in the regulated specialty Law, as well as five other specialties in the Bachelor’s educational qualification degree – International Relations, National Security, Public Administration, History, History and Archaeology, Archival Science and Information Security, and Public Relations; 15 specialties in the Master’s educational qualification degree as well as 21 Doctoral programs. The Faculty of Law and History is also a place where active research is conducted. Prestigious scientific forums are organized. Research journals where not only renowned scholars from Bulgaria and aborad, but also PhD students and undergraduates publish.

The faculty is a partner in the development of Bulgarian and international scientific and research projects.

Successful graduates – faculty alumni, work in EU institutions, in all sectors of public, council and municipal administration, in international organizations, diplomatic and consular offices, in courts, in law enforcement agencies, in the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Inferior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as in specialized bodies, media, PR agencies and non-governmental organizations.